Supported Living

Our specialist supported living services provide personalized packages of support that enable people with a range of disabilities and complex needs to live independent lifestyles of their choosing while gaining access to education, employment and volunteering.

What makes us stand out!

Working in partnership with housing providers, Treasure Care provides a range of innovative housing solutions like shared housing, studio flats and self-contained flats that are designed to reflect what is most suited to an individual’s needs and wishes.

Where required, our supported living services have been adapted to meet specific sensory & physical needs that promote greater choice, control and independence. It enables an individual with a disability to live independently at home, manage the tenancy and achieve greater freedom of control in their lives.

The services we provide include 24/7 Live-In support, occasional visits from a support worker, flexible support during the day or in the evening, overnight and/or at weekends.

People We Support

Photo Gallery of our Rainham Unit

So, if you are interested in the healthcare sector and want to take things to the next level or receive further information, please contact us on our landline: 0203 318 0473 or via email us at [email protected]